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Sending Facebook Inquiries Directly to Táve
Sending Facebook Inquiries Directly to Táve

How to bypass Facebook Messenger to get leads sent right into Táve from Facebook

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over 2 years ago

Do you hate getting Facebook messages on your business page with informal price requests and you'd rather only hear from those who are really interested in your services?  Me too!

You may already know that you can disable messages altogether on your Facebook business profile, but there's a better option if you still get a lot of traffic on your Facebook page using Facebook's Call to Action option.

First, Disable Messages

Inside your General Settings in Facebook, you'll disable this option so people cannot send you private messages using Facebook's built-in messenger:

Next, Set Up Your Call to Action

Going back to your Facebook page, you can edit the button that appears just below your cover photo here by choosing Edit Button:

On the next screen that pops up, you can choose which phrase you'd like the button to use.  On mine, I have it set to Contact Us as you can see above.

After choosing Next, it allows me to enter whatever website I'd like that button to redirect to on the following screen by clicking on Website Link here:

From there, you'll enter the page you'd like to direct them to.  This can be the direct link to one of your Táve contact forms, the exact page on your website where your contact form is embedded, or anywhere else you'd like to take them!

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