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Automation Templates

Automations you can install from the template gallery with one click

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a month ago

Check out our Template Gallery for some automations you can install directly in your account. You can access the Template Gallery in Settings, or from the Browse Templates option in Automations here:

In the Template Gallery you'll find lots of helpful automations ready to install, such as Send Client Portal upon Booking, Quote Expiration, Send Link to Signed Contract, Call Meeting Session Reminders, New Lead Auto Responder, and many more:

All template automations will be disabled by default when you install them. Simply review the automation, make any adjustments you'd like, then enable the automation when you're ready for it to start running.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Automations will only run when what it's observing and all of the conditions are met from the time they are enabled, so they do not run retroactively for anything they would have been triggered by in the past.

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