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Adding a Custom SMTP Server

Send email through your own mail server to have full control of SPF, PTR and DKIM settings

Debbie avatar
Written by Debbie
Updated over a week ago

You can now add your own custom SMTP server to send email through your own mail server. This allows you or your mail provider full control over SPF, PTR, and DKIM settings.

Note: You do not need to add a custom SMTP server if you're already using a Gmail integration.

The new Mail Settings page will allow you to manage all the mail settings in your Táve account:

You can find more information here on the the new Mail Settings page and Email Setup, including updating General Settings and Default From Addresses:

To add a custom SMTP server, use the option in Mail Servers here:

You'll also be able to add new Gmail integrations here too. You can add both Gmail integrations and custom SMTP servers to your Táve account, to choose how you send email. However, it is not necessary to add a custom SMTP server if you're already using a Gmail integration and wish to continue using that only.

Unlike the Gmail integration, SMTP is send-only and will not automatically import replies into your Táve account. If you'd like replies automatically imported, see more here on setting up a Gmail integration:

Enter your SMTP server Host and Port - you'll be able to get these details from your mail provider.

The Username and Password will be the full email address you're adding and the password for this email address.

You can also give this server a Name (to easily identify it) and BCC Outgoing Email to a specific email address:

Next add the email addresses that you want to use:

You can specify which users this email address is available for - All Users, Admins Only or a choose a specific user:

Your custom SMTP server will now be set up and you can use this to send emails from your Táve account 🎉

Office365 Users

SMTP might be disabled by default in your Office365 account. You may need to enable this setting in your Office365 account in order to use a custom SMTP server in Táve. Read more on how to enable SMTP in this Microsoft article: Enable or disable authenticated client SMTP submission (SMTP AUTH) in Exchange Online.

You may also need to disable security defaults if these are enabled in your organization, to use SMTP. Read more on how to disable security defaults in this Microsoft article: Enable or disable authenticated client SMTP submission (SMTP AUTH) in Exchange Online.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Táve Support team if you need assistance, by clicking on Support in the top menu. 🙂

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