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Using the Client Portal
Using the Client Portal

Instructions for inviting clients to their client portal

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a week ago

What is the Client Portal?

The Client Portal is a great feature in Táve that provides your clients with one place to log in to view their “account” with your studio.  In their portal, they can view and print their sales order or contracts, pay any upcoming invoices, and update their personal contact information for you.

You’ll find a client’s personal portal direct link on their contact card in your Táve Address Book in the section shown in the screenshot below.  You’ll see that here you can also monitor the last time your client accessed their portal under Last Activity and reset the password created by your client, should they forget it, by clicking the reset password button.  The next time they log in, they’ll be directed to create a new password just like the first time they entered.


Giving Clients Access to Their Client Portal

The easiest way to provide your clients with access to their client portal is through a simple email template (Settings › Template Items › Email Templates).  For example, upon booking, you can send them an introductory thank you email that includes a line similar to the one quoted below.  The key here is to include the token {{recipient.portal_linked}}, which will create a hyperlink directly to the specific client’s assigned portal login, triggering them to set up their password for the first time.

“Here is the direct link to your client portal, where you will be asked to create your own password the first time you visit: {{recipient.portal_linked}}.”

The screen they’ll see the first time they log in will include their email address already pre-filled and require that they set their password.

If you’d like to provide your clients with easy access to their client portals, you can add a link to your client portal login site directly on your company website by linking to it using your Táve secure domain, or your custom domain if you have set one up.

Custom Domain Portal Login: http://[your custom domain]/login

Secure Domain Portal Login:[your Táve username]/login

Note: The client portal is email address-specific so there can’t be 2 or more clients using it with the same email address. If there is another contact in your Táve address book with the same email address, they will get a warning when they try to sign in.

What is in the Client Portal?

A client will only see the items that they are the direct recipient of.  That includes contracts and completed questionnaires (if you have the "show history" option checked in Settings > Main Settings), orders, invoices and outstanding questionnaires that are assigned to them (not their spouse or another client on the job).  The client portal only includes files that are created using Táve, not ones that are uploaded from elsewhere, at this time.

Important: You'll want to be sure you have this option checked in Settings › Main Settings to show their entire history with you, even after a contract or questionnaire is completed, for example.

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