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Payment Gateways for Online Payments

Available payment gateways compatible with Táve invoices for collecting online credit card payments

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a week ago

Accepting Payments From Your Clients

Táve has several payment gateways that you can use to receive payment for the goods and services you provide your clients.

Here's the list of payment gateways currently available for integration with Táve:

Most payment gateways offer similar rates of about 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.

You can also set up offline payment methods to give your clients instructions on how to pay with that method.

Setting Up Client Payment Methods

To set up your client payment methods go to Settings › Client Payment Methods

From there you can select which payment method(s) you'd like to use. You can set up multiple online and custom (offline) payment methods if you'd like to.

There are two different kinds of payment methods - Online and Offline

Online Payment Methods

Square, Stripe and PayPal are online payment methods and will connect to your merchant accounts. These methods will allow you to accept credit card payments from your clients. The payment will automatically be logged on the job in Táve and the invoice marked as paid.

All of these payment gateways have a different fee structure, but generally it’s along the lines of a percentage of the order plus a transaction fee. You’ll want to research which one may be the best option for your business.

With our Stripe or Square integration, you can also pass on a credit card surcharge (if your jurisdiction permits) of up to 4% to your client. Find out more about Applying a Surcharge to Online Transactions.

As mentioned above, you can create an account with a number of merchant services to set up a payment gateway in order to accept credit card payments. Each payment gateway will have a slightly different setup so be sure to pay attention to all setup instructions provided.

Square or Stripe Configuration

Click CONNECT on the Square or Stripe tile at the top. This will take you to Square or Stripe to sign in to your account and authorise the connection to Táve.

Once connected you'll return to Táve and be in the setup page. You can change the Button Label (the label that appears on the button the client selects on the invoice payment page) and specify which Brand this payment method will be available for.

You can also specify which receipt is sent to the client automatically when they pay. A default receipt is set up for you in Settings › Email Templates:

You can build a different receipt for each payment gateway if you’d like by creating a new email template with ‘Payment Receipts’ set as the email type. It will then appear in the drop down for ‘Send Payment Receipt to client’.

You'll also be able to choose whether to enable tipping on this payment method. Learn more about Accepting Tips From Your Clients.

Transaction Expense Details

When a payment is processed through an online payment gateway, Táve can automatically record the credit card processing fee in the job’s financial ledger (and your Expense Report). You can give it the correct expense category and payee (the name of the payment gateway) by filling in these two options as shown below.

Example from Stripe setup page:

PayPal Configuration

Connecting PayPal is slightly different. Click CONNECT in the PayPal tile at the top. You won't be taken to PayPal but instead you'll enter your PayPal Merchant ID in the details to actually connect this payment method to your PayPal merchant account. You'll also be able to specify the Item Name you'd like to appear for your clients on their PayPal account transaction

As with the other methods, you can customize the Button Label, specify which Brands this method applies to and choose the Payment Receipt that is automatically sent when a client pays by this method.

Offline Payment Methods

The Custom option will allow you to set up offline payment method(s), such as Mail a Check or Pay by Phone. Offline payment methods are not automatically collected or posted to a job. They give you a place to provide instructions to the client for that specific payment method. When you receive that payment, you'll then mark the invoice as paid in Táve by manually recording the payment received.

There are a few things that you can customize with offline methods. You can change the label that appears on the button the client selects on the invoice payment page. If you have multiple brands, you can specify which brands this payment method will be available for by using the drop down. By default, the payment method button will appear for all brands. The URL identifier is just a way to change what shows in the url that the client sees.

At the bottom of the offline payment method setup, you can specify if the instructions you provide will appear on the invoices and if you’d like to include brand phone number, address, and office hours on the payment page when your client goes to pay.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support if you need assistance, right from the Support menu.

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