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Refunding Payments

Learn how to record refunds for payments made by your clients.

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over 2 months ago

Important Note: the method below for issuing refunds is only for how you record it in Táve. For the actual processing of the refund, you must do that through your payment gateway (Square, Stripe or PayPal) first. Once you've issued the refund there, you'll come back in Táve and record it.

Clients often change their minds about what they order and you may need to refund what they've previously paid. Maybe your clients want fewer hours, or a smaller product size or you simply want to provide a nice discount for them. Or they cancel completely and you decide to refund the full amount. 

For almost all refund situations, you'll want to start by revising the order to adjust the products and services that they're receiving. 

Let's take, for example, an order for $250 that your clients already paid for:

Let's look at two scenarios: 

Full Refund

In the case of a full refund, we'd start by voiding the order. After hitting the 'Void Order' button, you'll go down to the 'Payments Received' box and use the Actions menu next to the payment to issue the refund: 

You can also refund a payment from the job ledger directly: 

On the refund screen, you'll set the amount of the refund (it can be a partial refund) and Save: 

On the job ledger, you'll see both the original payment and the refund: 

Revise the Order Down (i.e. giving them a discount or removing products)

If we revise our order and change the total amount to be less than what they paid, the original payment will be split between the order and 'Surplus'. 

After changing my order from $250 to $200, the order now indicates that the payment has been split between the order and 'Surplus': 

In the 'Payments Received' box, you can see the original payment amount as well as how much is assigned to surplus and a quick button to refund that amount: 

After saving the refund, the job ledger will show the original payment as being 'partially refunded' as well as split between the order and surplus. 

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