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Glossary - Táve Terms and What They Mean
Glossary - Táve Terms and What They Mean

Learn to speak the Táve language.

Andy avatar
Written by Andy
Updated over a month ago

Táve has a lot of words that you might not have seen before. Here's a list of terms you will find throughout ​Táve and their definitions.

  • Actions - what the automation is performing. Actions include adding an event, adding a task, sending an email, updating a field, or posting a web request.

  • Bookable Event - part of our Scheduling feature, a bookable event is a scheduler you can set up with certain availability, for your clients to go to, to book a meeting, call, session or mini session with you.

  • Client - the indication of the individual who is hiring you for the job and is the recipient of invoices, contracts, etc.

  • Closed - if a lead doesn’t end up booking with you or a job cancels for any reason, it should be closed. Closing a lead or job will void any orders and cancel any upcoming events.

  • Conditions - these allow you to narrow down what is required for your automation to run.

  • Contact - custom contact fields will keep information pertaining to a specific contact in your Address Book.

  • Contact Relationship - this is how you will connect your contacts in your Address Book. Once connected, any related contact will appear in the contact dropdown used in quotes, emails, event attendees, etc.

  • Custom Fields - these can be created depending on what information you are looking to store. These fields can be created for a job or contact profile. They will each have their own custom tokens assigned.

  • Deliverable Workflow - a list of the tasks that you need to perform, tied to a specific product, which will only appear on a job when the product is ordered.

  • Event Type - the type of events (sessions, meetings, and other interactions) that will be on your job schedules and your Táve calendar feeds.

  • Execution History - this will show you if an automation failed or was triggered successfully. It will also give you the reasons why an execution was skipped.

  • Expense - there are general expenses and job-related expenses in Táve. General expenses are expenses like advertising, rent, business cards, etc. Job-related expenses are specific to the services you provide through a specific job, like the cost of goods, credit card processing fees, and contract labor.

  • Invoice - a document used to request a specific payment from the client on an order. You can have more than one invoice based on a payment schedule set up for the order.

  • Job Custom Fields - custom job fields will keep relevant information on the job overview screen.

  • Job - once someone has agreed to work with you, the lead will move into a “booked” stage and will become a job. A job will automatically move to “booked” if a client signs a contract or agrees to a quote. This can also be a manual action.

  • Job Date - the date of the main event (also called the primary session) on a job's schedule.

  • Job Roles - as you add contacts to the job worksheet, you will have the option to assign what role they are on the job. Job roles can include, but are not limited to, the bride, groom, photographer, etc. When creating job roles, you can choose what "kind" they are. These will include team (second photographer, for example), subject (anyone that is going to be in front of your camera), customer, and vendor.

  • Job Type - the categories that define the different types of services you offer. Job types can include, but are not limited to, weddings, headshots, commercial, photo booth, etc.

  • Job Workflow - these are all the tasks that you will complete that is attached to a specific job type.

  • Lead - anyone that makes contact with your studio, but they haven’t agreed to do business with you yet. Leads can come into Táve automatically through a contact form or get entered manually.

  • Lead Source - lead sources can be created and added to the contact form. This will keep track of where your leads are coming from.

  • Lead Status - the lead status is used to keep track of where the lead is during the sales process. These statuses can be customized and you will be able to configure rules for each one.

  • Observed Item - in automations, this is the item it will be looking out for. This will include contracts, questionnaires, etc.

  • Observing (Automation “Trigger”) - this is the event or occurrence it will be looking out for to trigger the automation to run.

  • Order - an overview of the entire set of products or services ordered by the client. Once a quote has been approved, it will turn into an order. The job is officially booked and the order is broken down into invoices based on the payment schedule assigned.

  • Payment Method - how you will receive payments for goods and services. ​Táve currently integrates with PayPal Standard, Square, and Stripe for online payments. You can also set up offline payment methods for your clients to choose from.

  • Payment Schedule - when an order is generated, the payment schedule will automatically break down the order by invoices based on the schedule.

  • Primary Session - this is the main event your client has hired you for. It will automatically set the job's Job Date to this date.

  • Profit Center - allows you to see the year-to-date business revenue and profits, along with the number of jobs past, present, and future for each profit center type. Each job type is assigned to a profit center.

  • Purge - this action will permanently delete a job or contact from your account as if it never existed.

  • Quote - the proposal of products and services that are sent to the potential client.

  • "Right Now" Tiles - the widget that allows you to add any sidebar items to your dashboard for quick access.

  • Sidebar Items - once you create a filtered list and customize the visible columns, you will be able to save the search as a sidebar item for quick access to the search.

  • Stage - job stages include Lead, Booked, Fulfillment (after completing the job and delivery of goods/services), and Completed (the final stage). This will indicate where the job currently stands.

  • Target Type Tokens - these are the tokens that an automation will specifically look for to trigger it. For example, a job can have multiple events, so you would use the token specifically for the event you want the automation to execute on.

  • Task - all tasks will live under the task lists. Tasks can be automatically assigned to an employee and a due date relative to an event on the job or nearby task.

  • Task List - the subcategories within a job workflow that include tasks.

  • Tax Authority - this is who you are reporting to when you pay your sales taxes.

  • Tax Group - these are what you will assign to your orders that are subject to sales tax. They can contain up to 3 separate tax rates.

  • Tax Rate - you can enter your various tax rates pertaining to your area. You will have the option to set these taxes as inclusive or exclusive.

  • Template Gallery - where you can browse industry-specific templates to be installed into your account, including industry basics, questionnaires, quotes, contracts, automations, etc.

  • Tokens - the placeholders that can be inserted into templates that will pull specific data from your client or job. Tokens can be used in emails, contracts, and questionnaires.

  • Widgets - customizable sections of your dashboard that hold important information at a glance. Some widgets will include Weather, Profit Centers, Upcoming Agenda, Upcoming Tasks, and Calendar, to name a few.

  • Workflow - the tasks that you will complete throughout the process of taking your client from a new lead to a completed job.

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