Advanced columns are more than just data... They are columns that allow you to take some type of action, like adding a new quote or order on the job, perform a calculation for you, such as determining someone's age, or pull data from somewhere else, like looking to the calendar to determine if there are other jobs on the same job date.
Add New Quote to your Leads List
Add New Order to your Jobs List
See Leads with a Double Booking warning
See Jobs with Open Deliverables
See a Contact’s Age and Next Birthday
The age column is calculated automatically based on birthdate. Since we don’t always talk about age in years, there’s some natural language magic depending on how old the contact is:
If the contact is less than:
14 days old the age displays in Days.
If the contact is less than:
3 months old the age displays in Weeks.
If the contact is less than:
2 years old the age displays in Months.
If the contact is more than:
2 years old the age displays in Years.