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Badge Colors

Use badge colors to set the priority for the counter on the top level section.

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a month ago

What is Section Badge Priority?

The Section Badge Priority determines the color and number shown in the badge that appear in the top sidebar section. The top level sections are: Calendar, Leads, Jobs, Quotes, Orders, Invoices, Email and Address Book.

Using section badge priority, we're determining which sidebar determines the counter next to that top level section.

This top level section counter for Jobs is 6.

Setting Section Badge Priority

You'll be able to set the section badge priority here in Settings › Sidebar Items. Use the dropdown at the top to select which sidebar list section you want to update, then edit your sidebar lists to set a priority for each:

Top – If you have items in any lists marked with Top priority, the main sidebar counter will reflect the total. If not, the counter will show the next priority…

High – If you don’t have any Top priority items, this counter takes priority for the section badge.

Medium – If you don’t have any Top or High priority items, this counter takes priority for the section badge.

Normal – If you don’t have and Top, High, or Medium priority items, this counter takes priority for the section badge.

Low – If you don’t have any of the other priority items, this counter takes priority for the section badge.

None – Any items with this badge priority do not affect the section badge at all.

In this example, the Jobs Section has a counter of ‘3’ and it’s red because the ‘With Balances’ item takes priority over the upcoming jobs.

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