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Job Types

Setup of your Táve account job types

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a week ago

What is a Job Type?

Each of your bookings in Táve is known as a Job. In your Job Type settings you can customize the types of jobs you offer. For example, Wedding, Family, Headshots, Newborn, etc.

You'll find those here in Settings › Job Types in your Táve account.

When beginning your Táve account setup, your job types list will be pre-populated with a lot of common job types spanning across all areas of photography. You can delete those that don’t fit your practice and create new ones to meet your needs.

In your list of job types you will also be able to see at a glance the workflow you assigned to automatically populate the job’s task list when a job of that type is created.

Customizing Your Job Types

Job Types in Táve are made up of 3 main components: Workflow, Job Roles and Event Types. The workflow is the tasks you want to auto-assign to jobs of this type. Job Roles and Event Types are the default contacts and events you'd like set up on jobs of this type.

You'll want to ensure that you've first set up your Workflow here in Settings › Workflow, your Job Roles here in Settings › Job Roles and your Event Types here in Settings › Event Types. These then culminate to build out your Job Type!

When customizing your Job Type you're essentially telling Táve all the defaults you want set up on jobs of this type. The default workflow - which tasks will be added to the job's tasks tab; the default job roles - which contacts you want space to add on jobs of this type; and the default event types - which events you want space to add on jobs of this type. You'll also be able to select the default custom fields you want available on jobs of this type, if you have any custom fields created.

Job Type Details

In the details section you'll give your job type a name, select the workflow and profit center as well as set an initial lead status (i.e. which lead status should new leads of this type be given by default).

You'll also select whether this job requires a primary session. The primary session event in Táve is the job date, i.e. the main date the session or event is taking place. For most session-based job types you'll likely want this setting to be checked. One example of a job type that may not require a primary session is a job booked for the sale of a gift certificate or other booking that wouldn't include any sessions on it's schedule.

Default contacts for the Job Worksheet

Here you'll see options to tick any contacts you want on the job worksheet by default for jobs of this type. You can select from any of your existing job roles (those set up here in Settings › Job Roles) or create a New Role (which will then be saved in Settings › Job Roles for you).

Selecting the default contacts for the job worksheet will automatically create placeholders for you to enter the contact details for each of these roles when adding a new lead or booking, to save you some time.

You'll also want to mark the job roles who are the clients on the job type here as well. For example, for a typical wedding job type, your clients would likely be the Primary Contact and Secondary Contact job roles.

Other common contacts you may choose to include as defaults on a wedding job could be Venue Contact, Florist, DJ, Catering, etc.

Default events for the Job Worksheet

Next you'll choose the default events for jobs of this type. Similar to default contacts, you can select from the events already set up here in Settings › Event Types or create a New Event (which will then be saved in Settings › Event Types for you).

The default events for the job worksheet will automatically create placeholders for you to enter those event details on a new lead or booking.

Using a wedding as an example again, this may typically include a Wedding Consultation, Wedding Coverage and maybe an Ordering Appointment if you practice in-person sales. If your job type requires a primary session, you’ll want to select which of these event types should be designated the primary session by default, i.e. which of those events is the main session or event (the job date).

Default custom fields for the Job Worksheet

In this section you can check which custom fields you'd like to be available on jobs of this type. You'll be able to select from any existing custom fields you have set up here in Settings › Custom Fields or create a New Custom Field (which will then be saved in Settings › Custom Fields for you).

You can also reorder the custom fields here, which will determine the order they appear on the job worksheet.

When adding any new custom fields here in Settings › Custom Fields, you can also quickly specify which job types this field gets attached to by choosing them in the Attach to Job Types section here:

How the Job Type Defaults Show on the Job Worksheet

Once you have all your Job Types set up, those defaults will then apply any time a new lead or job is created of that type. For example, if you create a new lead from the dashboard here:

This will load up a new job worksheet for you to enter all the lead details. You'll see all of those defaults you set up on your job type available so you can quickly add the details!

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