We do offer a Referral Program so you can earn some free credit toward your subscription for successful referrals to Táve!
You can access your account referral URL in Settings › Táve Referral Program.
How it Works
Your referral link entitles the recipient to a 60 day trial, instead of the standard 30 day trial. If they subscribe after their trial expires, you'll get one month free after their first payment. We'll send your account's billing contact(s) an email listing any credits you've earned on the day before your next payment.*
Your referral links use the secure domain alias for your brands as well as your brand's printout logo. Updating your brand's secure domain alias will change the URL (and break any old links), so you should fully configure your brands prior to using your referral links.
*The Referral Program terms and conditions are included in the Táve Terms of Service.