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Public Questionnaires

Public questionnaires don't need an invite and can be used to create a new lead

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a month ago

Normally questionnaires need to be added to a job and then the direct link emailed to the client. You can, however, make the questionnaire public so that anyone with the link can fill it out. Simply check off ‘Public Form’ and set which branding you want the form to appear under.

Something you’ll want to consider before making a form public is whether or not you want the responses tied to a specific job. If you do, you’re better off keeping it private and inviting the client to fill out the questionnaire directly. Some examples of forms that would be great to have public are feedback questionnaires (it’s not necessary information for the job, but it’s useful information to capture for business development). You can also Auto-Create a Lead Using a Public Questionnaire.

How to Create a Public Questionnaire

When building your questionnaire for the first time, you'll give it a name, change edibility settings, and give it a pretty URL. You'll also have a checkbox to allow you to make it a public questionnaire, meaning that it does NOT need to be sent from a job with a questionnaire invitation. 

Because this questionnaire is now public, it will have a direct URL that can be sent to your clients or added to your website. The URL for the example above will be something like:

or if you're using a custom domain

Because this questionnaire is now public, anyone with the link can fill it out. Visiting the URL will look something like this, using the branding that you selected in the 'Public Brand' dropdown:

When someone submits this public questionnaire, the response will arrive inside Táve and you'll receive a Táve notification email. Inside Táve, you'll see that you have a new submission in two places. 

Your dashboard will have a new tile:

And the questionnaires menu on the left will show a new response with a green counter: 

When you click on either of those two places, you'll see the list of all of your questionnaire responses.

Clicking view will allow you to see the responses submitted. 

Auto-Creating a Lead Using a Public Questionnaire

If your questionnaire already exists, you'll want to click 'Edit Details' to bring you to the screen below. If you haven't created a public questionnaire, start here first, then scroll back down.

Once you check the 'Auto-create new lead" box, you'll have the option to select the job type you'd like to associate with this questionnaire.

Important Note: If you have a dropdown field in the questionnaire that asks the lead to choose a job type, using the {{job.type}} token, this selection will override the default job type set in the public questionnaire's settings.

Assigning the Questionnaire to an Existing Lead or Job

When viewing the response to your public questionnaire, in the top box, you can indicate who filled out the questionnaire by creating a new contact or connecting it with an existing contact in your address book. You can also attach it to an existing lead or job (as long as there aren't tokens linked to any fields in the questionnaire) or create a new lead from the response by selecting the job type of the lead you want to create. 

Important Note about Tokens and Public Questionnaires

If you have built a public questionnaire and associate ANY of the fields with tokens, you will NOT be able to attach the questionnaire to an existing job and will only be able to create a new lead from the response. This is done as a safety measure to prevent users from accidentally overwriting data on an existing job.

Embedding the Questionnaire

Once your questionnaire is built and set to auto-create a lead, you can always embed the questionnaire on your website as well.

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