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Creating an Availability Schedule
Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a week ago

Note: Online Scheduling is in its initial beta release. To see what scheduling and booking features the team is currently working on, visit the Scheduling Beta Roadmap page in your account. If you have a feature request pertaining to online scheduling or booking, be sure to get that documented on our Feature Request board.

On each of your bookable events, you can set a number of limitations that control when you are available to be booked for that type of event in the Availability section. These include:

  • How far out into the future an event can be scheduled

  • What days/times you are available for this type of event

  • Buffer times between events on your calendar

  • Booking limits per day/week/month for this type of event

Creating an Availability Schedule

When determining what day and time blocks are open for a bookable event, you will set which availability schedule you want Táve to use here. You will either choose an existing availability schedule, or create a new one on the fly to be configured later in the Availability sidebar.

When building out your availability schedule, you will see at the top of the schedule all of the bookable events on your account that are currently using that schedule:

The best place to start in creating your availability schedule is through the repeating weekly hours section, where you can go through the Edit All Days button to set the common time blocks when you are available throughout the week.

You can add and copy blocks of time across each day of the week. You'll notice below that Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays have different meeting availability from Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Selecting the + icon will allow you to add additional time blocks to select days of the week, and the copy icon will give you the option to duplicate a specific time block to other days of the week.

Fine-Tuning Your Availability for Specific Dates

Now that you've set your general availability for each day, you can override these defaults for specific calendar dates. This is handy if you know you'll be on vacation for a week, or you'd like to ensure that no one books a meeting with you on certain holidays or family birthdays.

To adjust the availability for a specific date, you can click into the date on the Specific Days calendar view, and select any surrounding dates you'd like to edit in bulk with the same adjustments. Now you can edit the existing time block, add additional ones, or clear all times entirely so nothing can be booked on these dates.

Conflict Configurations

The last thing to consider when setting your availability schedule is what types of events you'd like to block out your availability. For example, do you new bookings to be blocked during times that you have tentative events pending for?

Currently, your booking sites will look at all events on your Táve calendar, but we have plans to allow for configuring specific event types here in a future release.

See what else we have planned for online scheduling and unassisted booking on our Beta Roadmap!

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