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Contact Profile
Debbie avatar
Written by Debbie
Updated over a week ago

Each contact on a lead or job will have it's own Contact Profile, in your Address Book.

From the contact profile Overview you'll be able to see any Open Leads & Jobs this contact is on; Preview their Client Portal; view any Open Financial Items such as invoices; see upcoming Future Interactions and view any Related Contacts.

Contact relationships are a great way to have quick access to other contacts in your address book who may have a connection to this contact, such as family members or employers. Find out more on contact relationships here:

You'll also be able to see any duplicate contacts on the contact profile Overview. If this contact has any duplicates in your address book, you'll see a Possible Duplicate Contacts section appear on the Overview. Find out more on duplicate contacts and how to merge them here:

Uploading a Contact Image

You can upload an image to the contact profile using the upload icon here:

Select an image from one of the locations listed, or drag & drop a file into the uploader:

The built-in crop tool will allow you to crop your uploaded image to the correct dimensions to display on the contact profile:

You'll also be able to edit, replace or delete an image once it's uploaded, using the options here:

Leads & Jobs, Mail, Financials, Notes and Files

The Leads & Jobs section will show all the leads and jobs this contact is listed on. This is a great way to keep track of how many times you've worked with a repeat client:

You'll also see all emails for this contact on the Mail tab and all financial information over all leads & jobs they've been on on the Financials tab. You can use the Notes tab to record any specific notes you'd like to remember about this contact and upload any files to the Files section.

Keeping Track of Credits

If you've applied a credit to a contact, you'll be able to keep track of that credit and any amount remaining, on the Financials tab of the contact profile. Here's you'll be able to see any credit amount, any redeemed credit amount and a total of any credit remaining:

You can use the Apply Credit to Order button to apply the credit to any open orders this contact has. When you apply a credit to an order, you'll also see that logged on the financials of that specific job.

Editing Contact Profiles

On the Overview you can use the Edit Profile button to make updates to this contact.

On the edit screen you'll see the contact kind (contacts can be Company, Location or Person kinds); update the contact details; add any additional details such as related contacts, birthday or anniversary details; add social networking details and update any contact custom fields.

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