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Client Safe Mode

Client Safe Mode will hide certain financial data in your account, ideal for when your client is sitting beside you at your computer

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a week ago

What is Client-Safe Mode?

You can enable and disable the Client-Safe Mode by clicking on the padlock icon in the top of your Táve account here:

Enabling Client-Safe mode will hide certain financial data, which may not be appropriate to display when a client is at your computer. If you do in-person sales appointments, you may have your clients with you while creating an order for them. Enabling client-safe mode is a great way to ensure that no sensitive financial information is on display.

Information Hidden in Client-Safe Mode

When you enable client-safe mode the following information will be hidden:

  • Cost and profit fields

  • The Reports section

  • Financial columns on your sidebar lists

  • Count bubbles on your sidebar lists

  • Lead statuses (on leads and sidebar lists)

  • Double booking column on sidebar lists

  • Any financial widgets on your Dashboard

Not Available in This Mode Message

If you ever notice certain information not showing in your account, such as your financial dashboard widgets, with a notice stating Accounting not available in this mode:

It could be that you've inadvertently enabled client-safe mode without intending to. Check the padlock icon in the top of your account. If it's red, client-safe mode is enabled. Just click on that padlock icon again to disable it.

Similarly if you ever notice that your leads aren't showing the lead status field, be sure to check if you have accidentally enabled client-safe mode.

Client-Safe Mode - Video Walkthrough

Watch this video to see Táve in Client-Safe Mode, detailing the areas of your account that are hidden when Client-Safe Mode is enabled: 

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