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Unassisted Booking

Add a Quote to your Bookable Events for full unassisted booking by your clients!

Debbie avatar
Written by Debbie
Updated over a month ago

Scheduling just got a whole lot better!! 🎉🎉🎉

You can now add a Quote to the Booking Process of your Bookable Event. Clients will complete the quote booking flow, including completing questionnaires, signing contracts, and paying any amount due on acceptance before the event is confirmed and the job is moved to the booked stage.

Be sure you have checked out how to create a new Bookable Event here first:

Adding a Quote to Your Bookable Event

In the Booking Process of your Bookable Event settings, you'll select your Quote here:

NOTE: In the Booking Process you'll need to choose EITHER adding a Quote OR Adding a Questionnaire and/or a Contract. If you choose to add a quote, your quote can contain questionnaires and contracts within it, as the Add a Questionnaire and Add a Contract dropdowns will be disabled.

How Your Client Books

When you share the link to your bookable event, your client will choose their date and time:

They will fill out their name, email and contact number details, then be taken through the usual quote flow in order to complete their booking:

If you have multiple payment methods available, your client will choose a payment method first before making their payment:

If you only have one payment method available for this quote, your client will go straight to the payment page.

Booking in Progress in Táve

While your client is in the process of booking, a lead will be created in Táve. You can specify the lead status to use in your Bookable Event settings. We recommend using the new Scheduling: In Progress lead status (which you'll find in your account here in Settings > Lead Status).

On the lead in Táve you'll be able to see your client's progress, in the new Booking in Progress section on the Overview here:

If a client doesn't complete their booking, this section is helpful to see where clients might be dropping out of the process. The lead will remain in Scheduling: In Progress for 7 days, at which time it'll move to Scheduling: Stale then be automatically closed after another 7 days. You can customize the timings of these automatic changes in your Lead Status settings.

Once your client has completed their booking and made any required payment, the lead will move to the Booked stage:

When Your Client Completes the Booking Process

Back in client access, your client will see a confirmation page once they've completed the booking process. On the confirmation page they'll be able to view their payment receipt, order and contract.

Any confirmation you've set up on your Bookable Event settings will be sent out to your client at this time.

Client Rescheduling or Canceling an Event

If you've enabled the settings to allow your clients to reschedule or cancel their event, they'll see those options on their confirmation page here:

Reschedule will take your client back to the time slot selection page to choose a new date and time.

Cancel will prompt your client to enter a message and confirm their cancellation.

You'll receive a notification email from us if your client reschedules or cancels their event.

NOTE: If you client cancels their event, this won't close their lead or job in Táve. Be sure to also close their open lead or job in Táve if you no longer need it.

Client Adding Event to Calendar

Your clients will be able to add their event to their calendar directly from the confirmation page:

When an Offline Payment Method is Selected

If your client chose an offline payment method, the lead will also move to the Booked stage. You'll see a notice of the anticipated payment here on the Overview:

Your client will also see that information on the confirmation page, next to their Invoice link:

TIP: Add the Payment Promist tile to Right Now on your dashboard, to keep track of anticipated offline payments!

Embedding a Bookable Event on Your Website

Want to make booking completely unassisted? You can also embed your Bookable Event on your website so clients can choose a time, book and pay, all without you needing to lift a finger!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Táve Support team if you need assistance, by clicking on Support in the top menu. 🙂

Check out the features that are currently live, as well as some of what we're working on, in the About Scheduling section!

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