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Event Channels

Select the channel of an event: In person, Over the phone, or Virtual!

Debbie avatar
Written by Debbie
Updated over a month ago

In person, Over the phone and Virtual Events

You can now select the channel of an event in Táve to be In person, Over the phone or Virtually.

In person events will allow you to set the location of the event, using the Google Maps lookup or by entering a custom address:

When you select a Call type event, it'll automatically default to Over the phone letting you set the call-in number and pre-fill this using an attendee phone number:

Virtually will allow you to set a custom URL for the event or if you have a Google Calendar integration you'll be able to select this to have it automatically generate a Google Meet link for you:

Join Now for Virtual Events

For any virtual events, you'll see a Join Now button that allows you to instantly join the virtual URL. This button will show up on the job schedule as well as the upcoming agenda on the job overview.

You'll also see the Join Now button on events on the Upcoming Agenda widget on your Dashboard and in Event Previews on your Táve Calendar.

Meeting Events from Google Calendar

If you have a Google Calendar integration and sync an event to Táve, which includes a Google Meet link, you'll see that link on the event in Táve and be able to join the meeting directly!

Event Channel Visible Columns in Sidebar Lists

Sidebar lists in your Calendar now include visible columns for Channel, Location (channel specific), Call-in Phone Number and Virtual Meeting URL.

Event Channel Tokens

Event channel tokens of channel, channel_details, virtual_url and phone_number have also been added, which can be used in email templates or automations. You'll use the event-type-prefix before these tokens, e.g. {{}}, {{call.channel_details}}.

The channel_details token is a great one to use in your email templates as it will automatically populate with the address for in person events, the call-in number for call events or the virtual URL for virtual events.

Event Channel Conditions in Automations

You'll also be able to use the event channel tokens in automation conditions. For example, if you wanted to add a condition to your meeting reminder automations to send different reminders depending on the type of meeting it is, you can add an event channel condition using

This condition would tell the automation to only run if the meeting was a virtual event and it wouldn't run for in person or call events.

If you want to set the must exactly match condition value for a channel you'll want to use:

  • InPerson to target In Person channel events

  • Phone to target Over the phone channel event

  • Virtual to target Virtually channel event

Event Channel Target Tokens in Automated Emails

You can also use these tokens in your automation emails, for example using {{target.channel_details}} in a Calender › Meeting automation reminder to send out the virtual meeting link to your client:

NOTE: Remember, target tokens will only work in automated emails directly sent (not drafted and sent later), and will never work on manually sent emails, as the "target" prefix refers to the thing being targeted by the Automation.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance, by clicking on Support in the top menu. 🙂

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