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Creating Products

Creating the products and services that you offer to your clients.

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over a month ago

All of the products and services you offer to clients can be created and managed here in Settings › Products & Services.


Building a product in Settings gives you a way to use predetermined line items on your quotes and orders, and you can track your product sales history in your Product Booking Report.

A Simple Product

When creating a product, you’ll give the product a type (you can customize this to fit your business in Settings › Product Types), a name, and a description. If you have any deliverable workflows set up, you can attach those here as well.

After giving your product this information, simply click on the Pricing Editor button to set the cost (to you) and the price (what your client pays).

Accounts Payable

When you’re building a product, you can set the default Payee, Expense Category, and Default Due Date.

These settings are used to help build your accounts payable report. When a product is ordered by your client, a new anticipated expense will be created on the job’s Financials tab. The amount is pulled from the number you set for Cost in the pricing editor. This means that the expense is expected to be incurred in the future.

By setting the default due date, you can set the relative due date for when you expect this expense to be incurred relative to when the order is booked or the job date. For example, you expect that the wedding album expense will come due 2 months after the wedding.

If you choose not to set a default due date, the expense will still be added to the Accounts Payable section of the job's Financial tab but without a due date set:

You can learn more about accounts payable here:

Product Options and Product Add-ons

Here’s where products become really powerful. You can fine-tune them to have lots of different options and have each of those options and configurations have a specific price.

NOTE: Product options and add-ons are for internal use only. They will be available to you when adding the product to a quote or order, to quickly configure the options and update the price accordingly. Options and add-ons are not selectable by your client when viewing their quote.

The product example above has two sizes as the base options, then several add-ons available. Think of the product options as required configurations for a certain product (e.g. what size album does the client want). Add-ons, on the other hand, aren’t required in order for the client to purchase the product (e.g. would the client like additional spreads or a rush on printing).

The options and add-on editors will give you several different types of configurations you can chose from: A list of choices, a small text field, a large text box, an option, and a number range. Depending on which type of configuration is selected, you can set them so they have no effect on price or you can check the check box for Affects Price.

Once you've added all your options and add-ons head to the Pricing Editor again. If any of your options or add-ons affect price, you'll see the simple pricing editor we saw before has been replaced with a Pricing Matrix. Here you'll be able to configure the cost, price and markup for each configuration.

You can add your cost price and then set a percentage markup to have Táve calculate the price for you, then adjust as needed from there!

A List of Choices

You can set up a list of choices for the configuration by adding an option per line. Selecting Affects Price will add a place in your pricing matrix to set a cost and a price for each choice in the list.

Above, I’ve added 5 choices and they all affect the price. Here is what my pricing matrix add-on now looks like:

Notice how two of my options, I’ve labeled as complimentary but they still have a cost to me so I have them as options that cost me $20 but are $0 in price for the client.

A Small Text Field

A small text field cannot affect the price of a product but you can use it to record certain information about a specific product. Often they are used alongside another type of configuration. Below is an option that affects price and a small text field where we can record the image number. Both of these are product options since they are something we'd require for the client to order this particular product (here it's a canvas print):

When this product is added to a quote or order, we can select the size and record the image number in the small text field:

A Large Text Box

A large text box cannot affect the price of a product but you can use it to record certain information about a specific product. Often they are used alongside another type of configuration. Below is a list of choices that affects price and a large text box where we can record the text. These are product add-ons, as for this product (an album) they aren't required and are optional extras I can add to the client's order.

When this product is added to a quote or order, we can select the cover debossing and enter the debossing text in the large text field:

An Option

An option is a single choice. Basically a yes or no checkbox. It can affect the price and will be added to your pricing matrix if so.

Here’s how it appears on the Pricing Matrix:

When this product is added to a quote or order, we can select the checkbox and the item price will be updated accordingly:

A Number Range

A number range can be used for number units which can have incremental options. The add-on option below sets the number range to start at 1 and go to 20 in a step size of 1.

In the Pricing Matrix, you can set the cost and price in the Per Unit section and it will automatically update each of the units accordingly, without you having to do them all manually.

When this product is added to a quote or order, we can select the checkbox and choose the number required. The item price will update accordingly.

Making Changes to or Deleting Your Existing Products

When prices or descriptions for products are updated in Settings › Products & Services, the changes won't affect any past or current uses of the products on booked orders or open quotes.

One thing to note when changing the products is that if they're used in any Package Templates or in any Quote Templates, you'll need to swap those out with the new version of the product to take effect in those areas. Changes to your products won't dynamically update on any product or quote templates using those products.

Have products or services you no longer offer?  You can safely delete any products no longer needed in Products & Services and it won't lose your history with those purchases in your Product Booking Report. You just won't be able to use those old products any longer on future quotes and orders.

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