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Manually Holding Time Slots for Mini Sessions

Hold a time slot for a specific client or use holds to appear busy

Debbie avatar
Written by Debbie
Updated this week

Manually Holding Time Slots - Video Walkthrough

Watch our short video above, or follow the written instructions below, for how to manually hold time slots for Mini Sessions.

Manually Holding Time Slots - Written Instructions

While viewing your Mini Session bookings you can also choose to manually hold slots. This is helpful if you'd like to hold a slot for a particular client, or to have your Mini Sessions appear busy.

To hold a time slot, simply use the Hold button next to that slot:

A manual hold prevents a time slot from being booked online. Once a time slot is held you can remove the hold at any time. The Share dropdown allows you to copy the link, open the link or mail an invitation to someone to let them book this slot:

If you mail an invitation, you'll be able to keep track of those pending invitations by clicking the view activity link next to that manual hold:

This will take you to the In Progress list with that invitation highlighted. From here you can copy, open or resend the invitation:

When you mail an invitation to an existing contact, their details will be pre-filled when they click on that invitation link. They'll also see the details of the time slot that's been held for them:

Sending an Invitation to Book a Mini Session from a Lead or Job

You can also send invitations from existing leads or jobs. When sending an invitation from an existing job, you'll want to use the New Invitation option on the Schedule here:

When emailing that invitation, you can also choose to hold a specific time slot by selecting it in the dropdown here:

If you choose No, don't hold a time slot, the client will be able to select from any of the available time slots when they click on their invitation link.

When your client books their Mini Session from the invitation, it will be added to their existing lead/job in Táve.

You can also invite clients to schedule an event by automation, although if you're sending an invitation to a Mini Session by automation, there won't be an option to hold a time slot.

Check out the features that are currently live, as well as some of what we're working on, in the About Scheduling section!

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